Microneedling Aftercare
Following your Dermapen microneedling treatment you are advised to follow these instructions to ensure you get the best result from your treatment
There may be a sunburn-like redness that can last for 1-3 days - Apply ice packs at home if required.
There may be swelling that can last up to 48 hours - Apply ice packs. There may be bruising, which is usually minimal and pinhead sized. It may last for 1-5 days. If it occurs, avoid medications such as aspirin, nurofen, Vit E or fish oils which are blood-thinning agents and may exacerbate bruising, for 24 hours.
There may be some itching of the skin. Avoid scratching the skin. You can take an antihistamine to alleviate this irritation, which should settle after 1-3 days.
You MUST avoid sun exposure and heat treatments for at least 3 weeks after the dermapen treatment because the area treated will be more prone to burning and increased pigmentation with the development of brown blotches and freckling during this period. Apply a 30+ or 50+ sunblock frequently and daily for 1-2 weeks after treatment.
Redness will settle and be replaced by a dry, tight peeling skin. This will shed over the next 3-7 days to reveal a fresh skin with more neutral skin colouring and improved texture. You must not pick, scratch or use any exfoliant (gentle exfoliation may be allowed after 3-5 days) as this may damage the new skin and introduce bacteria leading to skin infections.
Avoid using any skincare that contains AHA, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid or Retinoic Acid (eg Retin A) for 3-5 days. If you are unsure about your skincare please ask you cosmetic practitioner.