Lip filler 0.5ml or 1.1ml can be used to enhance the size of the lip but it can also be used to create better lip symmetry, create definition, and/or improve the overall shape.
As a lip filler model you can add definition into your lips and regain youthful plumpness at a discounted price. Dermal fillers can be injected into the lips to tackle a whole host of different imperfections such as asymmetry, smokers lines, wrinkled lips, and adding definition to the cupids bow. This popular and relatively simple and non-surgical procedure is a great option for those who require a quick enhancement to their lower face.
Shaping involves injecting thin linear streaks of soft dermal filler superficially across the ‘vermillion border’ surrounding the lips. This is ideal for those with little shape, fine perioral lines, subtle changes of enhancing mild shape that already exists. Volumisation involves injecting deeper into the ‘wet-dry’ border of the lips to add substance to wasted areas, and can even create a ‘soft-pout’ when injected centrally. Volumisation can also be combined with shaping.
From £180
30 mins
48 days
6 - 8 months